About This Project
The project for the HSE commenced in January 2019 and was completed in March 2019.
- Creating a site compound and building a scaffold access to the pitched roof at eaves level and to barge boards at gable elevations.
- Repair works, including removing tiles and setting aside for re-use, installing new eaves membrane, new tilting fillet & fascia board.
- Repair works to barge boards to include raking out and repointing with mortar.
- Removing and reinstate/lift ridge tiles.
- Installing structural timber supports in roof space at intersections of truss/cut infill roofs.
Asbestos removal:
- Including the setting up and continuous monitoring of a three compartment airlock system which was used for entering & exiting the work area.
- This airlock consisted of a clean compartment, a shower compartment and a “dirty end”.
- A bespoke temporary ventilation system was provided to ensure the correct pressurisation and airflow within this airlock.